Warnock Says God is Pro-Choice

Thursday, September 29th, 2022

ATLANTA – Today, Team Herschel released the following statement highlighting Raphael Warnock’s recent claim at a campaign event that God is pro-choice.

According to reporting from Life News:

“At a rally in Atlanta this week, U.S. Senator Raphael Warnock (D-GA) – a self-described ‘pro-choice’ pastor – claimed to ‘have a profound reverence for life’ while at the same time suggesting ‘even God’ approves of abortion on demand, for any reason up until birth.”

“Raphael Warnock’s claim that God is pro-choice is absurd,” said campaign spokesman Will Kiley. “Warnock voted for legislation in the Senate that would allow abortion up to the moment of birth. Raphael Warnock voted against providing life-saving medical care to infants who survive abortions or abortion attempts. This should show that once again Raphael Warnock’s radical views are out of step with the people of Georgia.”