Warnock Cannot Stand The Truth

Thursday, November 17th, 2022

ATLANTA – Today, Team Herschel released the following statement after Raphael Warnock claimed that those exposing the dangerously vile living conditions and evictions in Columbia Tower were “vicious and venomous,” saying people who criticize his Church “attack the church of Jesus Christ.”

Apparently, calling out Raphael Warnock for the ugly truth behind his actor charade is not something he handles very well. In fact, this is not the first time that Warnock’s default response to criticism of his church has been to claim critics are working against Jesus Christ.

In 2008, a group of protesters gathered outside Ebenezer Baptist and called for Warnock to step down, waiving signs that read “Warnock Lies” and “Warnock Must Go!”

Warnock’s response? Claim the people protesting outside his church to be working for the devil. In fact his exact quote was, “Any effort to plant the seeds of dissension in the church is by definition a demonic effort,” he said to cheers from the congregation. “I’m glad that the devil has no power here.”

“It’s no surprise that Raphael Warnock doesn’t want to be exposed for the fraud that he is,” said campaign spokesman Will Kiley. “There have been legitimate and very serious concerns raised about the living conditions in the housing complex Warnock’s church owns, yet he refuses to talk about it. There have been legitimate and very serious concerns raised about the housing complex Warnock’s church owns sending eviction notices to residents for as little as $28 in late rent payments, yet he refuses to talk about it. Raphael Warnock only cares about himself and maintaining power, even if it is at the expense of Georgians.”