Herschel Walker Visits Jaemor Farms

Friday, July 22, 2022

ATLANTA – Yesterday, Herschel Walker visited Jaemor Farms in Alto. While there, Herschel spoke to members of the media, held a roundtable with leaders in the agricultural community, and walked through the market to speak with supporters.

At the roundtable with State Senate President Pro Temp Butch Miller and other leaders in the agricultural community, Herschel learned more about the issues farmers are facing under the Biden-Warnock agenda. Specifically, Jaemor Farms went from spending $15K on fertilizer last year to now paying $30K due to inflation. The price of fuel has been especially crippling to farmers. While Georgians struggle with near-record costs, Raphael Warnock is working to end American energy independence. Warnock voted for Biden’s ban on oil and gas leasing on federal lands, voted against legislation to prohibit a ban on fracking, and voted to kill the Keystone XL Pipeline 4 times.

Roundtable attendees also spoke about the labor shortage they’ve faced over the past 18 months, and this is largely due to the federal government incentivizing people to stay home and collect a check. On top of that, overly burdensome EPA regulations have made it more difficult for farmers to do their jobs. A concern repeatedly brought up was that farmers feel current leaders in Washington — specifically Raphael Warnock and Joe Biden — have forgotten all about them.

“Raphael Warnock might sign onto messaging bills that will never pass and claim he’s a supporter of our agricultural community, but he’s all hat and no cattle,” said Herschel Walker. “It has never been more clear that with Democrat control over the U.S. House, Senate, and White House, the federal government is actively working against Georgia farmers. This is unacceptable. Rest assured, when I get to Washington, I will always prioritize our hard-working farmers and work to reduce reckless government spending, decrease burdensome EPA regulations, and increase our labor force.”

Following the roundtable, Herschel Walker received an endorsement from State Senate President Pro Temp Butch Miller.

“We’re proud to endorse Herschel Walker and proud to support him in his race for the U.S. Senate,” said State Senate President Pro Temp Butch Miller. “We need individuals like Herschel who are willing to go to Washington and fight for families and family values in Georgia and fight for the issues and concerns of Georgia. Run Herschel, Run!”