Herschel Walker: Does Warnock Agree with Stacey Abrams that Georgia’s Sheriffs Want to “Take Black People Off the Streets”?

Monday, October 31st, 2022

ATLANTA – Today, Herschel Walker issued the following statement asking if Raphael Warnock agreed with Stacey Abrams that Georgia’s sheriffs want to “take Black people off the streets”.

Video of Herschel’s remarks can be found HERE and HERE.

“I got 113 sheriffs that support me. Did you hear what Stacey Abrams said last night during the debate? She said she doesn’t want them to support her because they are gonna be chasing Black people, locking Black people up. Where does she come from? Now she’s coming up with stuff like that trying to separate people. Why don’t they get out of this color thing and get into the love thing? That’s what we need to get into cause God loves us all.

“But I’m wondering if Raphael Warnock agrees with Stacey Abrams saying all police want to do is chase and lock up Black people? The media needs to ask him that. Ask him if he agrees with what Stacey Abrams said.”